Command Feature Update List

Command Feature Update List

This article provides an update record for the Command App on the Clear Touch panel. Command is our Panel Management software that allows Administrators to send messaging, notifications, and alerts to the Clear Touch IFP, as well as manage applications, power settings, and firmware updates.

v1.12.0 released January 26th, 2022

What‘s new:

  1. Support user feedback from the web console
  2. Admin of the organization can change the login email address
  3. Provide option to force changing inputs
  4. Optimized the automatic client auto-update
  5. Fixed some known issues

v1.13.0 released March 15, 2022

What‘s new:

  1. Support Wi-Fi configuration via Profile
  2. Support Wi-Fi Allow List via Profile
  3. Optimized screen control for matching on Portrait Mode for the NIO
  4. Optimization for other defects
  5. Fix some known issue

v1.14.0 released April 13th, 2022

What's new:

  1. Support Power on in 'offline mode' - device will be able to power on itself in a recurring schedule. No internet and No WOL service required;
  2. Support transfer the organization to another user;
  3. Optimized organization activation process;
  4. Optimize Power off  in offline mode for recurring schedule;
  5. Fixed known issues;

v1.15.0 released May 19th, 2022

What‘s new:

  1. Support adjust output volume and screen brightness.
  2. Allow enable and disable remote lock and button lock.
  3. Support input lockdown to prevent unexpected input switch.
  4. Support customize columns in the device list.
  5. Support export device list.
  6. Optimized the compatibility in file upload in Safari
  7. Fix known issues.

v1.16.0 released June 22nd, 2022

What’s new:

  • Support obtaining and viewing the device location;

  • Support cache clear/ clean-up system processes;

  • Support factory reset;

  • Allow device group to associate with new and existing commands;

  • Support sending Alert, Firmware upgrade, App install by device groups;

  • New Info Center to display release notes and system notifications;

  • Support switch input in a timed schedule;

  • Support modify input aliases;

  • Fixed known issues;

V1.17.0 released July 29, 2022

What’s new

  • Support Debug Menu Lock

  • Support Android Settings lock

  • Support advanced operations on Device Groups

  • Support view and export Action logs

  • Optimized the process for adding and removing users

  • Fixed known issues

v1.18.0 released August 22, 2022

What's new
  1. Tags can be assigned for finding devices and distributing them in dynamically allocated groups
  2. Role management UI improvement

v.1.19.0 released September 20, 2022

What's new
  1. Upgrade USB Enroll method, support preset name and tag - the .json file can be customized to define Device name prefix or suffix, and Device tags can be pre-selected.
  2. Schedule Multimedia to play within a set time range
  3. Added support for the use of the keyboard in the screen control.
  4. Added the option to automatically open applications after they are installed
  5. Support turn screen on from standby/sleep status when command received
  6. Optimized user experience; squashed minor bugs
v1.24.0 released June 5, 2023

- Added the ability to import an app directly from the Google Play Store. Just copy and paste the URL from the web store directly into the Command App Resource management section.

  1. Get the URL from the Google Play Store

  1. Select “Add > URL from Play store” in the App Resource management page in the Command Web Console

  1. Paste the URL in the App URL field

v1.25 released September 5, 2023

v1.26 released December 12, 2023

1. A webpage can be “pushed” to an IFP or Digital Signage display. 

  1. select the displays you want, and select the URL function in the Command button section.

  1. A group of common URLs can be loaded or saved in the web interface. 

  1. After the URL is selected just choose whether you want to send the message now or provide it at a scheduled time.

  1. The webpage will open through the default browser on the display.

2. The USB ports can be locked as a display Profile policy. This lock will block data drives from being accessed on the display. USB adapters that allow the function of external devices will still be functional. Here is the location of this feature within Advanced > Profile:

3. Messaging has been added after device enrollment that clarifies the remote access that is available through the Command web console. The web console can know the display’s location, see live screenshots, have an active view of any input, and achieve screen control of the Android OS.

v1.27 released April 19, 2024

Proper controls are now in place so the Resources can be given proper Access Controls.

  1. Our Dev Team created Resource Groups so that Organization resources can be set with User Access Controls.

    1. Create a Resource Group and add the correct resources to that Group’s control

  1. Within Resource Groups, Edit the available resources (only if your account has the proper Admin credentials).

  1. When uploading a Resource, the proper Resource library may be selected.

  1. The Resource Group can be allocated within User: Details under User management

  1. When creating a new User, the proper Resource Group(s) can be selected

  1. Added the ability to Clear Cache is added to the Command list so many displays can have their memory/storage cleaned at once.

  1. Development has added additional messaging for Panel Profile “Non-Compliance.” The goal of this is to clarify the specific items on the Policy that may have failed and provide further explanation for the cause.

  1. The screen remote access countdown can be disabled from within the Command App Settings

  1. The Alert Command will wake up a display from Standby/Sleep mode.

v1.29 released August 2, 2024

The item to highlight in this release is updated WPA/WPA2 Enterprise management settings for Android 13 devices.

Profile - WiFi

Optimized the capability to set up newer Android OS devices for WPA/WPA2 Enterprise WiFi configuration.

On August 15, we released a patch update which included the following improvements.

Command - URL

  • The URL Command can now be sent as a scheduled Command

  • Optimized the function of the send URL Command with Google Slides.

v1.30 released October 30, 2024  

We optimized several items related to the function of the EDLA panel when it is locked.

  • The device will appear as "ACTIVE" in the Command Web Interface upon first boot even if no user has accessed the device locally.

  • A panel can be unlocked from the Command web console.

  • Sending a message with have the option to unlock and send or send without unlocking.

  • Don't unlock - will only send the message to panels that are active displays

  • Unlock and execute - will send the message to all panels. If the panel is locked/standby mode, Command will unlock the panel and send the message.

Important bug fixes and updates:

  • Textual improvements in the web interface to clarify functions.

  • Enrich the customer user roles section and add more granular controls. (A whole section for Profile Permission has now been added).

  • Minor app deployment optimization for Android 13 devices. Installing apps would sometimes receive additional pop-up messages.

v1.32 released January 17, 2025

Feature Update List

Better App Management

  • Apps can now be disabled through a panel Profile. Before this, apps could only be installed through the panel Profile.

  • Multiple App versions can be uploaded and maintained in the App library. This is especially useful for school districts managing multiple generations of panels.

Set a Policy for certain EDLA-specific settings
  • Set a policy for the System navigation setting that is best for your end users. The EDLA device can use Gesture, 3-button, or Traditional navigation. Now these Accessibility settings can be managed from Command!

  • Decide whether to enable or disable the “Native Status Bar.” This is unique to the A+ or NEXT Hub and is the “status curtain” or “status bar” that can be lowered from the top of the screen.

Backend and Frontend link to Connect

Our teams will announce more about this software in the coming days, but Development has done some work so Command and Connect can work with each other.

  • A link to the Connect web interface is in the top right corner

  • Connect account mode can be enabled through Profile > Device security

Note: Connect will be a user management solution available after the next A+ and NEXT Hub firmware update. Targeted for the end of Q1.

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