Commands Guide for Bytello Command

Commands Guide for Bytello Command

Command List

To access the Command List, first, from the Command Dashboard, click on Manage.

From the Manage menu, click on Devices or Groups.

You can either send a Command out to specific devices, or send a Command out to an entire designated Group.

From either of these pages, Click on the Select Command Box in the top right corner.

Once you Click Select Command, the following Menu will appear: 

Following is an explanation of each of the Commands available in this Menu:

Set as Schedule
The following commands can be set to a schedule by clicking the slider imaged below after clicking the command: Power on, Power off, Screen off, Reboot, Bells, Screen lock, Text, Multimedia

Power On
Without WOL enabled, the Power on function will not work unless the device is set up for an offline schedule. 
As pictured in the image below, you can create a new schedule by selecting the time and days you would like to execute this command. If you toggle Offline mode to on, this command will take place even when the device is offline.  This allows you to utilize the power on command without using WOL.
If you have a previously set up schedule, you can select Add devices to Command in schedule to add the selected device(s) to the schedule.

The power on command works instantaneously on Command when a local device hosts the Wake-On-LAN (WOL) server. Instructions for setting up this feature are listed in the following article: 

Power Off
Send this command to the panel to power it down. Note: Without WOL, you will be unable to power the device back on via Command unless you have a previously set up schedule that is configured for Offline mode.

Screen Off
Send this command to the panel to put it into sleep mode. This will turn the screen off, but leave the system idle and waiting for input. A touch to the screen or power button will wake the panel back up.

This command will power cycle the panel.

Use for setting a bell schedule or for sending a temporary alert to a panel.
To choose an already selected file, hit the dropdown highlighted on the right. To select a duration, select the dropdown to the left. 
To choose a MP3, WAV, AAC, or OGG file <300MB, select the Resources icon to select or upload a file. 

Once you select Resources, select Upload and choose the file you would like to add. From this same menu, select the file you would like to add to the Bells list and Confirm.

Screen Lock
Lock the screen of the panel to only allow access with a passcode. Set the screen lock duration before sending the Command.

This is the screen that will appear on the panel once the screen has been locked.

The screen lock password is set/stored in the System > Password tab as pictured below.

Send a scrolling text message. Type the message in the Text field and select the number of times you want the message to loop. You can also select duration to choose a length of time to display the message.
The operation rights setting can be turned on or off to control the end user's ability to close the message.

Send desired multimedia to your panels. File type must be either MP4, AVI, JPG, WEBP, GIF, SVG, BMP, or PNG, 300MB max size. 
You have the same options here to select an amount of times to loop or an amount of time to display the media. 

Selecting your media here is the same as it was for Bells. Choose your media from the dropdown, or add new media via the Resources option. 

File Publish
Send files (no larger than 300MB) to be stored and accessed on the Android's Downloads location.
You are able to send Images, Video, Audio, Apps, Certificates, and other files.
Look at the pictures below for file formats accepted for each file type.

Live Channel
Send a live streaming channel to be displayed on the panel.
Click the dropdown next to Live channel to select a channel. To add a new Live channel, select the Live channel list option in the bottom left.
The supported live stream protocols include: RTMP, RTSP, and HTTP. Please note: Any URL for a live stream will need to end in .m3u8 to function properly using this command.
Make sure this stream address is a public address that can be accessed from outside your firewall using Port Address Translation (PAT) so that it can be stored in Command which is in the Cloud.

Change the Wallpaper of the Android OS Home screen. (not fully compatible with 5000C and 6000U; specifically, the wallpaper can be changed, but not reverted). A custom image may be uploaded up to 300MB sized at 1920x1080. You can have the image Fill screen, Fit to screen, or center. 

Boot Logo
Change the boot logo that shows during the powering on of the panel. The same procedure follows for selecting and adding media for this command. 
You can have the selected image Fill screen, Fit to screen, or center.
Select the default option to restore the Boot logo to the factory default logo.

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