Setting up Your Clear Digital SHO Stick

Setting up Your Clear Digital SHO Stick

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Out of the Box
Contents: SHO Signage Player Stick, Micro USB Power Cable, Power Block, Remote Control, IR Receiver Cable (for use with Remote), HDMI Extender Cable

Set Up
1. Connect Stick to the Power Supply (and also into a Power Source), or into a USB Port on your Display, if available.

2. Connect Stick to your Display with an HDMI Cable (or Directly, as pictured, either way)

3. Connect your desired navigation/point/click/mouse/keyboard dongle or USB cable to the SHO Stick USB end

4. **NOTE: If you see a pop up asking to select a Home App on Power Up, select 'Mediabox launcher h616' as covered in Step 6, then come back to this step.**
Select Landscape or Portrait Mode

5. For Wireless, choose your Wi-Fi Network and enter Wi-Fi Password

6. Select Home App **This MUST be 'MediaBox launcher h616' ONLY. Do NOT select 'Clear Digital Media Player'!!**

7. To access Sho, first navigate to Settings

8. While in Settings, first verify that you see your WiFi Network listed under “Network and 
Internet.” If not, click on Network and Internet, select your WiFi
Network, enter your credentials, and click Connect.

9. Once connected, navigate back to original Settings menu. (Right click with mouse goes back one 
menu at a time) Select “Apps.”

Click “See all apps”

Click “Show system apps”

Scroll down the app list and select “Sho”

10. When the Sho app opens, it will provide a 4 digit code. Enter this code into the code boxes on 
the Sho web interface under Device Management under Add New

Sho website: Web Console View:

Device View:

11. Name your device as you like, add it to any groups in Sho you like (within the provided drop 
down menu in the Sho Add Device Menu), and you’re all set!

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