Updated Maintenance and Care Guide for Clear Touch Displays, Including Notes on COVID-19

Updated Maintenance and Care Guide for Clear Touch Displays, Including Notes on COVID-19

Clear Touch Maintenance and Care Guide

If you have ever wondered, how do I keep my Clear Touch clean?  This is the guide for you!  For maintaining a clean and clear screen on your Clear Touch panel, we recommend using a microfiber cloth with Windex spray or Windex electronics wipes. 

When using Windex spray, NEVER spray the screen directly.  Always spray the microfiber cloth with Windex then proceed to clean the panels screen.  Spraying the panels screen directly with Windex could very easily result in damage to the panel itself, the liquid may run down the screen into the panel causing hardware failures.  Make sure to also use the microfiber to clean around the inside edge of the bezel, to maintain a clean and clear path for the infrared beams to optimize the use of touch and provide a better user experience. 

When cleaning and maintaining your PC modules, we recommend using compressed air to blow out dust and other particles that may be built up over time due to regular use of the panel.  Dust and debris can clog ventilation and negatively affect cooling, leading to decreased performance and lifespan of the PC hardware.

Sterilization and Disinfectant Best Practices

With the recent developments regarding COVID-19, many of our clients are reevaluating their protocols for disinfecting and sterilization in classrooms.  With this in mind, please be sure to use the following best practices to safely clean your Clear Touch products.

Traditional household cleaning products (Clorox wipes, Lysol, disinfectant sprays, and mild surface cleaners) are safe to use with our panels, as long they are NOT sprayed directly onto the panel.  Liquid sprays can be used to lightly dampen a microfiber or lint free cloth, which can then be used to safely wipe down the display.  

Take care to avoid heavy moisture buildup around the IR touch frame, ventilation, or panel gaps.  Disconnect the display from power during cleaning, and be sure that it has had time to completely dry before use.

Do not use harsh or corrosive cleaning products that are known to damage paint or plastics.  Isopropyl alcohol is safe to use on glass and metal surfaces, but be sure to follow the above guidelines and avoid spraying or pouring alcohol onto the display itself.  For additional information on Flu and COVID-19 prevention, please read the following resources from the Center for Disease Control:

Please forward additional questions or concerns to the Support Department at 864-643-5045, or submit a Support Ticket at https://support.getcleartouch.com/portal/newticket

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