How to add security certificates to your Clear Touch panel

How to add security certificates to your Clear Touch panel

There are two ways to install a security certificate onto a Clear Touch panel's Android OS. Manually, with the security certificate on a USB at each panel or remotely with the Command web portal.

To manually load a security certificate with USB (6000U, 6000K, 6000K+, 7000X, 7000XE, 7000XT):

1) Copy the security certificate onto a USB flash drive and plug it into one of the USB ports on the panel

2) Navigate to the Android input > Open Settings > Select Security 

3) Select ‘Install from Storage’ / 'Install a Certificate' > Select the USB drive on the left hand side

4) Select and load the certificate > Enter a name for the certificate > follow the prompts to complete the installation for your specific certificate

To manually load a security certificate with USB (6000A+):

1) Copy the security certificate onto a USB flash drive and plug it into one of the USB ports on the panel

2) Navigate to the Android input > Open Settings > System > Security

3) Select ‘Install from Storage’ > Select the certificate type that is being installed > enter the admin PIN if prompted

4) Select the USB drive > Select and load the certificate > follow the prompts to complete the installation for your specific certificate

To upload a security certificate to a Clear Touch panel through the Command portal:

1) Login to the Command website at (if you do not have a Command account please contact for further steps).

2) Navigate to Resources on the left > click on the 'Certificates' column > Add

3) Select 'Upload' > add the security certificate > select the appropriate dropdown option > name the certificate and add a password if appropriate > Add

4) Navigate to the Advanced dropdown on the left > Profile > if there is no existing Profile created select 'Create new' > If a Profile already exists select 'Details' on that Profile

5) Select 'Certificates' > Configure > Add certificates > select the security certificate(s) you previously uploaded > Add > Save

6) Select 'Associate' on the Profile > select the devices you wish to have the certificate(s) uploaded to > Associate

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