UPDATED 04/22/2024: The latest Android 13 firmware for the 6000A+ panels has been updated.
IMPORTANT: To perform a manual firmware reload of your panel, please follow the steps that have been outlined in this guide:
Firmware Reload Guide
If you have any questions or issues with any of the information in this article please contact our Support department
by calling 864-643-5045 Monday through Friday 8:30am to 7:00pm EST or by submitting a new ticket at https://support.getcleartouch.com/portal/en/newticket
Some of the panels have models with more than one firmware file available, the firmware type is determined by the LED that the panel was manufactured with. Prior to downloading a firmware file for your panel, we strongly recommend checking the panel's Software Info to see which file you will need. To get this information, press "Input, 3, 9, 3, 9" on your panel's remote control. The first item listed on the Software Info is the Product Type, this will also tell you what type of LED the panel was built with. The first 5 characters tell you the panel's model type, the next two characters after the dash tell you the LED type. See the screenshot below for an example:
The panel in the screenshot above is a K75CB product type which means that the model number is a 6075K+. The "CS" indicates that this panel has a "CS" produced LED screen. Please use this as an example to help guide you in selecting the correct firmware file(s) for your panel(s).
If you are unable to access the Software Info screen due to display issues or you do not have a remote control for your panel please contact our Support department so that we can check your panel's serial number.
Please note that the 7000X, 7000XE, and 7000XT panels have the same Product Type. You can check for the correct model number on the tag on the right side of your panel or the back of your panel. Please contact Support if you are unable to locate the correct model number.
Below is a list of all of the current firmware files for the Clear Touch panel model series 5000C, 6000U, 6000K, 7000X, 7000XE, 7000XT, 6000K+, 6000A+, and 8086MAX. This list will be updated with new firmware versions as they are released.