Clear Touch PC Module driver packages

Clear Touch PC Module driver packages

Below you will find a list of the driver packages for each of our Clear Touch PC models. There is a Setup.exe file included with each of the driver packages, you will only need to run that program to install the drivers automatically.

Be sure to check the model of your PC module prior to downloading and installing any of these package files. You can find your PC model on a sticker on your PC module. Please see the picture below for an example of what that will look like:

Driver Package for PC25-ST, PC25-VP, and PC27-VP:

Driver Package for PC27-IG:

Driver Package for PC45-IG and PC47-IG:

Driver Package for PC45-ST, PC45-VP, PC47-ST, and PC47-VP:

Driver Package for PC55-ST:

Driver Package for PC65-ST, PC65-SM, PC67-VP, and PC67-IG:

Driver Package for PCOPS-PC15-SM: 

Driver Package for PCOPS-PC25-SM:

Driver Package for PCOPS-PC27-VP: